Donald Trump got shot

Where power reigns and divides
A man stood tall, with ego and might
His name, Donald Trump, a polarizing sight
With words sharp as knives,
He cut through the crowd
Spewing hate and rage, his voice loud
Some hailed him as a savior, a hero
While others saw him as a villain, with no depth or a zero
But one fateful day, a shot was heard
A piercing sound, like a mocking bird
It hit the man who thought he was untouchable
Bringing chaos to a nation, once so formidable
Some rejoiced, others wept
As the news of the shooting, deeply crept
Through the streets and the screens
A tragedy, or perhaps justice, depends on what one deems
For those who loved him, it was a loss
Their leader, their idol, now gone across
But for those who despised, it was a relief
A weight lifted, from a nation's belief
But amidst the chaos and the uproar
Lies a question, we can't ignore
How did it come to this, a leader shot?
In a world where violence, we've sought
What does it say about our society?
When words turn to bullets, with such notoriety
Where differences can't be resolved with words
And violence becomes the only way to be heard
Donald Trump, love him or hate him
His fate, now sealed, as the shots trim
His power, his reign, cut short by a gun
Leaving behind a nation, forever undone
So let this be a lesson, for all to learn
That hate and violence, will only burn
The fabric of a nation, once great and strong
For in the end, love will always belong
Donald Trump got shot
Some would say he had it coming
Others would shout it's a crime
How can someone be blinded by hatred?
"It's only a matter of time."
Some say good for the shooter
Others say he or she should be ashamed.
What will happen the next time someone doesn't like what you have to say? 
Donald Trump got shot.
And in America is what it is.
"We get what we got coming to us!"
Is this your idea of freedom of speech or not?
Donald Trump got shot.
And all is left to say is que sera, sera.
Donald Trump got shot.
He got shot in the ear.
And when he won a state 
He really couldn't hear......
Donald Trump got shot.....
In America you get as good as you got.

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