
The government, a force to be reckoned with
With power and control, they beckon it
Big brother always watching, ever so near
Instilling fear, making us live in constant fear
God, they say, is the one in charge
But is it just a ploy, a facade?
To keep us in line, to make us obey
While they hold the strings, pulling them every day
The devil, a creation, to keep us in check
But who is to say, who is the real threat?
Is it the government, with their hidden agenda
Or a make-believe entity, a mere pretender?
Drugs, they use to infiltrate our minds
To manipulate and control, leaving us behind
Paranoia and fear, they seep into our souls
A tool they use, to maintain their hold
We know the truth, yet we choose to ignore
For the government's control, we are too weak to abhor
Their intrusion, we cannot find a remedy
As we live in this modern-day crypt, a tale too eerie
A prayer, a plea, for honesty and truth
But who are we kidding, we don't need
another sleuth
For the government, with their manipulation
Will stop at nothing, to maintain their domination
So here we are, living under their reign
The government, a force we cannot restrain
But one day, may we rise and break free
From their grasp, and finally be free.
Break free, be free
Till then will be used by the entity.
Break free, be free
We don't need a diety.

So here we are, standing face to face,
With nothing left but the bitter taste,
Of honesty that we can no longer deny,
For in its wake, our facade will die.
But you, my friend, you seem upset,
As if the truth was not what you'd expect,
For so long you played your role with grace,
But now the curtains have fallen, revealing your true face.
And I am here, caught in the fray,
Wondering if there's another way,
To escape this charade, this never-ending game,
Where we all play our part, but none are to blame.
And as we go, or as we went,
I can't help but wonder what it all meant,
For every word, every thought, every move,
Was it all just scripted, to fit the approved groove?
But now I question, when will it end,
This Truman Show, are we just pretend?
Are we merely puppets, being controlled,
By a mastermind, whose story unfolds?
So here we are, at the end of the line,
Where the truth is finally allowed to shine,
And as the credits roll, and the show comes to a close,
I can't help but wonder, what's behind the curtain, who really knows?

Not that I care or will ever wonder.
This isn't my conspiracy theory.
It's merely the truth, and that's a pity.
You took something beautiful & made it dirty
Perhaps, that was just my naivety.
Someday someone will come along 
And inevitably say or ask, "Why?"
You'll be left with nothing to say.
You won't be able to answer.
So your idea of the future is making me sick.
You want to pollute us and then pull a suture
I can't handle it.
But I'll survive.
Perhaps I'll be there in the future.
To make sure you don't get away with it. 

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