Candy Rain

In the sky above, a sight so sweet
Raindrops falling, but it's not just sleet
It's candy rain, a sugary delight
Filling my heart, with pure delight
Each droplet glistens, like a candy treat
A rainbow of colors, falls at my feet
I open my mouth, and taste the rain
Soaked with sweetness, I can't refrain
The clouds above, are like a candy store
Sending down treats, I can't ignore
My soul is lifted, with every drop
A delicious feeling, I cannot stop
The world around, seems to transform
As candy rain, becomes the norm
The trees are covered, in a sugary glaze
And the ground is coated, in a colorful haze
With every step, I feel alive
As the candy rain, continues to thrive
It washes away, all my pain
Leaving only joy, in its sweet domain
I dance and twirl, in this candy bliss
As each raindrop, adds to the list
Of memories, I'll never forget
For this candy rain, I'll always be in debt
So let the candy rain, keep falling down
Bringing happiness, to every town
For in this moment, I am free
Drenched in candy rain, for all to see
Candy rain, you are a part of me.

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