Black and White

In shades of ebony and ivory
We're divided, but all part of humanity
Black and white, a contrast so stark
But in truth, we're all just a spark
We may look different, with skin tones bold
But our hearts beat the same, as we're told
Through centuries of hate and strife
We've forgotten our shared source of life
The world may label us by color
But we're more than just hues to discover
We are souls, with stories to tell
And beneath our skin, we all bleed as well
We're not defined by our race
For we are all part of the human race
We are not colors, but colorful peoples
With diverse cultures, like different petals
Let's break the barriers, let's unite
For love and acceptance, let's ignite
A change towards equality and grace
For race is all one, the human race
So let's embrace our differences
And celebrate our similarities in existence
For in the end, we're all one kind
With beautiful hearts, and open minds
Black and white, we may be defined
But in truth, we're all intertwined
For in this world, we all have a place
And together, we make the human race. 

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