
The music pulses, the lights flash bright,
Bodies moving, in rhythm and might.
But amidst the chaos, there's something strange,
No angels on this dance floor, no wings to rearrange.
No heavenly beings, no divine grace,
Just humans lost in this frenzied space.
No halos, no harps, no golden glow,
Just heavenly sweaty bodies, in an endless flow.
No angels to guide us, to show us the way,
Just beats and melodies, as we let sway.
No prayers, no hymns, no holy chants,
Just bass and lyrics, our souls entranced.
No angels to save us, from our own sins,
Just temporary escape, as the music begins.
No wings to lift us, to a higher place,
Just this moment, this dance, this lively race.
No angels to judge us, no pearly gates,
Just acceptance and freedom, as the music creates.
No serenity, no heavenly bliss,
Just this earthly pleasure, in this sacred kiss.
No angels on this dance floor, no divine intervention,
Just raw human energy, in all its perfection.
No need for divinity, in this sensual delight,
Just us, our bodies, and the music's might.
So let's dance, my dear, with no angels in sight,
Just you and I, in this electrifying night.
For on this dance floor, we are all equal,
No angels, no labels, just us, in this sacred sequel.
We are all one body, one animal, one machine
Tonight; that's the way it's got to be.
And in this search you begin to grasp
A higher cosmic power for you to have
And hold on to believe.

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