
From sea to shining sea
Lies a land so great and free
Where I can speak my mind
And share my thoughts with all mankind
We may not always see eye to eye
But we still stand side by side
For in this nation we are bound
By a document that knows no bounds
Oh America, you give me the right
To speak my truth with all my might
We may agree or agree to disagree
But we stand strong in unity
Our constitution and bill of rights
Are more than just words, they're our guiding lights
And on Independence Day we see
The beauty of America and all she can be
With every step I take
On this land so diverse and great
I am reminded of the past
And how freedom was built to last
The declaration of independence
Is more than just a show of defiance
It's a symbol of hope and pride
For every American far and wide
Oh America, you give me the right
To speak my truth with all my might
We may agree or agree to disagree
But we stand strong in unity
Our constitution and bill of rights
Are more than just words, they're our guiding lights
And on Independence Day we see
The beauty of America and all she can be
As I watch the fireworks light up the sky
I am filled with a sense of pride
For I am part of this nation
Where freedom and justice are our foundation
Oh America, you give me the right
To speak my truth with all my might
We may agree or agree to disagree
But we stand strong in unity
Our constitution and bill of rights
Are more than just words, they're our guiding lights
And on Independence Day we see
The beauty of America and all she can be
So let us cherish this land we call home
And never forget how far we have come
For in America, we are all free
To be who we want to be.

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