Alice in Thunderland

In a world full of darkness; we seek an illuminated world. To be free from the shadows that bewildered us, and smother us within dark clouds. All the light we cannot see is what we seek.  And ultimately the light is our savior. It comes at every dawn. And this is the dawn of a new age. The Post Warholian quote of fifteen minutes of fame is here. The end of the world. With that said here comes our hero, Alice. A shorter, plump, African girl with a cropped afro. She also had the most exquisite blue eyes. Every older person who saw her said, "You have the color eyes of water." The color of her father's eyes. Her father had passed away of cancer few years after she was born. Her mother used all the insurance money to move to America. And
for a blind girl, she had impeccable vision. You see, she is an artist that can possibly save us all from monotony and ruin. And save us all from the shame of what the industry and institution has turned into. 
Alice and her mother were an unbeatable team. The were mother and child. But they were also friends. Good dialogue and communication was a constant in their relationship. As well as space and trust.
And of course no judgement. When one made a mistake, or was in an encouragible mood;
they would be talking things out. And over time the memory of her father never became distant it rather would pulse and throb in Alice's heart. The same for her mom. Alice had always been fascinated by the world of art. She could spend hours lost in the beauty of a painting or the intricacy of a sculpture. And in a world full of darkness, it was her light. A light that shone brighter than any sun, and illuminated the path towards a new age.
The world had been consumed by darkness for as long as anyone could remember. The sky was always grey and the streets were dimly lit, if at all. The shadows were thick and seemed to follow you wherever you went. But for Alice, there was always a glimmer of hope, a belief that the darkness could be overcome.
She lived in a small, rundown apartment in the heart of the city. The walls were covered in her artwork, each piece a representation of her hopes and dreams. But outside her home, the world was a different story. The once vibrant city was now a ghost town, with only a few brave souls venturing out into the darkness. Alice was a very proud girl. She never felt lonely with her mother's company.
Alice knew that something had to be done. The world couldn't stay like this forever. So she decided to use her art as a form of rebellion. She wanted to bring light back into the lives of those living in the shadows. And so, she began to create. Her first piece was a mural on the side of an abandoned building. It depicted a bright and colorful world, a stark contrast to the dark reality they were living in. The painting drew the attention of those passing by and soon enough, a small group gathered around it. The mural sparked a sense of hope and wonder in their hearts. And for a brief moment, they forgot about the darkness that surrounded them.
Charles had just walked into the small café where Alice worked as a barista. He had been coming to this café for weeks now, but it was the first time he had ever noticed her. Her watery blue eyes caught his attention immediately, and he couldn't help but stare at her as he ordered his usual coffee.
Alice, on the other hand, was used to being admired by customers. Her striking eyes were often the subject of compliments, and she had learned to brush them off with a witty response. But when she saw Charles' gaze lingering on her, she couldn't help but feel flustered.
As Charles waited for his drink, he mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation with Alice. "Your watery blue eyes are like swimming pools. I'd love to take a dip in them," he said with a charming smile.
Alice raised an eyebrow and gave him a sly grin. "I have better things to do than go swimming, sir," she replied, emphasizing the "sir" in a playful tone.
Charles chuckled and continued the banter. "No, seriously, I'm impressed by you and your work here. You must hear that a lot from customers," he said, genuinely impressed by her quick wit and sassy attitude.
Alice couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration for Charles. He seemed different from the usual customers who would try to flirt with her. He was charming and seemed genuinely interested in her.
"I do hear a lot of compliments, but I never get tired of them," she said with a small smile.
As they continued to talk, Charles found out that Alice was not just a pretty face, but she was also studying to become a lawyer, and was an artist. He was fascinated by her ambition and intelligence. They talked for hours, and before they knew it, the café was about to close. As they said their goodbyes, Charles couldn't resist asking Alice out on a date. "I know this might be forward, but I would love to take you out for dinner sometime," he said, nervously running a hand through his hair. Alice smiled and gave him a playful wink. "Don't worry, sir, I'll think about it," she replied, making Charles laugh.
Sure enough, a few days later, Charles and Alice went on their first date. As they sat across from each other, enjoying their meal, Charles couldn't help but feel grateful for that fateful day when he walked into the café and met Alice. He knew that he was taken with her, not just because of her stunning eyes, but because of her personality and intelligence.
As for Alice, she finally found someone who could match her wit and charm, and she couldn't be happier. Charles was not just a customer anymore; he was the man who had captured her heart with his words and genuine interest in her. And from that day on, Charles and Alice's love story began, all thanks to a simple encounter in a café and a few witty lines of dialogue.
Word of Alice's mural spread quickly, and soon, she was commissioned to create more pieces around the city. She used her art to shine a light on the issues that had caused the world to fall into darkness. Her pieces were thought-provoking and powerful, and they made people question the current state of their society. As her popularity grew, so did her message. She became a symbol of hope and a beacon of light in the midst of the darkness. People flocked to see her work, and soon enough, she was known all over the world. She had even taken Charles to see it. But with fame came a new challenge. The industry and institutions that had been corrupted by the darkness, now wanted a piece of her. They wanted to change her art, to conform it to their standards. But Alice refused to compromise her message. She knew that the only way to bring about real change was to stay true to herself and her beliefs. And follow the teachings of her parents. And so, she continued to create, inspiring others to do the same. And slowly but surely, the darkness began to fade. The once dreary world was now filled with color and light. People began to come out of their homes and embrace the beauty around them. For the very same jaded people; who have seen everything before were impressed by a girl. A young lady; who used her mind a followed her passions and heart and mind. And whims to create spectacles of splendor. Soon this inspired other artists to follow their own intuitions. And they would set themselves apart from everyone. The feelings of being different is what makes an artist. For they truly knew to be different is to be magical and wonderful. It is not to be without any pitfalls or duress. But worth it in the long run; if you haven't found contentment in anything else, other than to create. It was a new dawn, a new age. And it was all thanks to Alice, who refused to let the darkness consume her. She had used her art to save the world and bring about a brighter tomorrow. And she would continue to do so, for as long as she lived. And the world was saved indeed. And she had her mother and father to thank. Her most notably work is Water. A painting of her and her mother looking at reflection in the water.
And instead of their reflection it is that of her late father. Very beautiful with colors of heathered lilac and sky blue and citrine yellow. And orange and red and brown. 
Charles bought it and put it in his study.
This made Alice so overcome with joy.
"Thank you, dearest!" Said Alice. 
"Anytime, Alice, I love you!" Charles said.
Soon there after we had a wedding to prepare for. Charles and Alice met in a quaint little café on a busy Tuesday morning. Alice was behind the counter, looking stunning in her business suit, with her head buried in a thick law textbook. Charles, on the other hand, was sitting at a corner table, sipping on his coffee and intently observing the busy atmosphere of the café.
As Alice looked up from her book to take the order of the next customer, Charles couldn't help but admire her. He cleared his throat and said, in his smoothest voice, "Excuse me, miss. Can I please have a cup of courage with a side of your beautiful smile?"
Alice couldn't help but let out a small giggle at his cheesy pick-up line. "I'm sorry, sir, but we only serve coffee here," she replied playfully.
Charles smiled, "Coffee will do then. And if you don't mind, I'd love to have some company while I enjoy it."
Alice raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this witty stranger. "Well, it is a bit quiet today. I guess a little company won't hurt."
And that's how their story began. They spent the afternoon talking and laughing, discovering a shared passion for law and justice. Charles was a successful lawyer and Alice was studying to become one. But little did Charles know, Alice had another passion - painting.
As their friendship grew, Alice started to open up about her love for art. Charles was fascinated by her talent and encouraged her to pursue it. "You shouldn't just limit yourself to becoming a lawyer, Alice. Follow your heart and be an accomplished artist and painter," he said.
Alice was touched by his words and decided to take his advice. She enrolled in night classes and worked hard on her paintings. And soon enough, she had her first art exhibition, showcasing her extraordinary talent.
Charles was her biggest supporter and was always by her side, cheering her on. One day, during her exhibition, Charles pulled Alice aside and said, "You know, I've been thinking. You were right, I shouldn't just limit myself to being a lawyer. And I wanted to show you that I believe in you and your dreams. So, I got you this," he handed her a key to a small studio apartment.
Alice was speechless. She couldn't believe his gesture of kindness and support. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged Charles, "Thank you, Charles. You have no idea how much this means to me."
From that day on, Alice and Charles' relationship took a new turn. They fell deeply in love and soon, they were engaged to be married. Their wedding was a beautiful celebration of their love and their passions. Alice became a successful lawyer and an accomplished artist, with Charles by her side every step of the way.
As they sat in the same café where they first met, sipping on their coffees, Alice looked at Charles and said, "I never believed in love at first sight until I met you."
To which Charles replied with a charming grin, "Well, that's because I'm not just a pretty face, I have a way with words too."
They both laughed, knowing that they had found their perfect match in each other, in a café on a busy Tuesday morning.
Her mother rejoiced, "Charles, welcome to the family." "I know I will try my best to treat Alice the way she deserves to be treated." Charles said, "I need her like I need water." "Then go to her apartment. And help her move to a new home of both of yours." So, that is what he did.
And they lived happily ever after.

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