Within The Sheltering Sky

Within the sheltering sky
Lies a world of beauty and wonder
Where the atmosphere is light and breezy
And the sun's warmth radiates like thunder
In its embrace, we find refuge
From the chaos of the world outside
As it wraps its arms around us
We feel safe, protected, and alive
With each new day, the sky transforms
Into a canvas of vibrant hues
A symphony of pinks, purples, and oranges
Dancing to the tune of nature's muse
And as the night falls
The moon takes over the stage
Casting its gentle glow upon us
Like a loving parent, guiding us in every age
Amidst the warm, damp, and humid air
We feel a sense of rebirth with each day of sun
As if the sky is cleansing our souls
And giving us a fresh start on earth
The sheltering sky, a sanctuary
Where worries and fears disappear
Where we can shed our burdens
And simply breathe without any fear
So let us bask in its glory
And cherish each moment that it brings
For within the sheltering sky
We find peace, joy, and all the good things.

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