Universal Poem

In the vastness of space,
The universe expands,
Filled with galaxies and grace,
A never-ending expanse.
The ebb and flow of time,
A constant rhythm in the void,
Mysteries and wonders to find,
So much yet to be explored.
The stars shine and glow,
Like jewels in the sky,
Their radiance aglow,
As they light up the night.
Complexity surrounds us,
In every form and shape,
But in simplicity we must trust,
Occam's razor, its sweet escape.
Vivid colors paint the sky,
As stars are born and die,
Rare molecules dance by,
Creating life, oh my!
On this journey we embark,
Through the vastness of space,
Majestic and wild, yet stark,
Humbling in its embrace.
Warranted and sheltered,
But not from the Sun's orbit,
The universe, unraveled,
In its beauty, we shall forfeit.
The Moon, a crescent afar,
A delicate sight to see,
But from a distance, the Sun, a star,
This is what it appears to me.
And now, as I gaze,
At the universe in its entirety,
I am left in a daze,
For now, I can see clearly.
A poem of the cosmos,
Its wonder and its awe,
A never-ending process,
Of creation and it's flaws.
The universe, a masterpiece,
In all its complexity,
A never-ending journey,
Of beauty and wonder, and mystery.

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