Under the tree

In this world of chaos and pain
Where poison darts will always be aimed
At fragile hearts and tender souls
My spirit must stand tall and be bold
For my soul will not ever succumb
To the poison that tries to make me numb
The love and light that I hold within
For patience and virtue are akin
I refuse to let the darkness win
As I hold on to patience within
For it is a virtue that I choose
To keep my soul pure and true
And though the poison may sting
I will spread my love and wings
For in this world, we must strive
To dream and love and stay alive
So let us cast our worries aside
And let our love be our guide
For in each other, we shall find
The maker under the tree, so divine
In the shade of love and grace
We'll find our peaceful place
Where our souls can freely roam
And find solace in the love we've sown
So let us dream and love so dutifully
For that is where our true beauty lies
And under the tree, in the shade you'll see
Our souls united, forever in harmony.

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