unapologetically true

In the aftermath of pain and fear
Black, blue and bloody do I appear
My body bruised, my soul in shards
But instead of love, you hurl words
Mocking, taunting, passing judgement
As if my suffering is your entertainment
You make fun of me, a victim of assault
Piercing my heart with your cruel assault
You speak ill of my family, my only support
Yet you know nothing of our bond, our rapport
You think you have the right to judge
But you are blinded by your own grudge
But my religion is love, not hate
And in this darkness, I refuse to take
For I am perfectly human, just like you
But you fail to see, I'm just as true
I hold my head high, despite your jeers
For I refuse to let your words bring me to tears
I walk with pride, not shame or regret
For I am a survivor, not a victim to forget
I keep my sights to the sky above
For in love and faith, I find my true love
I hold on to my humanity, my strength
For in this world, it's all I have to length
So go ahead and mock, go ahead and judge
But I will rise above, for I will not budge
For I am perfectly human, just like you
And I will continue to shine, unapologetically true.

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