The simple life

The man who wanted so much in life
Chased after his dreams with all his might
He worked tirelessly day and night
To achieve success and reach the height
But when he finally attained his goals
He realized his heart was full of holes
For all the things he thought he wanted
Left him feeling lost and haunted
The glitz and glamour lost its shine
The bright lights no longer divine
The busy schedule, the constant stress
Took a toll on him, causing distress
The simple life began to call
And he heard it's gentle, soothing call
He left behind all that he had gained
For a life of peace and joy he craved
Some called him foolish, some called him weak
For abandoning the life for one he did not seek
But he knew that happiness and contentment
Were more important than any achievement
He found joy in the little things
The chirping birds, the gentle breeze
The laughter of children, the warmth of sun
Bringing him peace and making him one
With the simple life, he found his bliss
No longer chasing what others deemed as success
For his happiness and peace of mind
Were all that mattered, and that he did find
So let the naysayers say what they may
For the man who wanted so much in life
Is now content, in every single way
Living the simple life, with no more strife,
Or worry or dread, or all those annoying voices in his head.

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