The Night Fairy

Maxine was a little night fairy with a big heart and even bigger dreams. She lived in a magical world filled with mystical creatures and enchanting spells. But she was different from the other fairies. Her hair was not the usual shimmering platinum blonde or deep auburn like her older sister Josephine and the others.  Instead, her hair was a beautiful shade of golden brown, just like their mother's. Maxine didn't mind being different, but sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have the same hair as her sister.
Their mother, who had once had dirty blonde hair, would often tell them stories about the night star and how it granted wishes to those who prayed to it. And so, every night, Maxine and her family would gather under the starry sky and pray for their deepest desires. Maxine would always wish for a miracle that would turn her hair into a shimmering platinum blonde, just like her sister's.
But little did she know, her sister Josephine had a secret. She had discovered a way to change her hair color using star dust. And so, one night, as Maxine was asleep, Josephine took a small amount of star dust and sprinkled it on her hair. When Maxine woke up the next morning, she couldn't believe her eyes. Her hair was now the same shade of platinum blonde as her sister's. She was overjoyed and thanked the night star for granting her wish.
But as she went about her day with her new hair, she noticed something strange. Every man she met was instantly attracted to her. They would shower her with compliments and offer her gifts, but Maxine wasn't interested. She knew that they were only attracted to her because of her hair, and not because of who she truly was.
Feeling frustrated and tired of the attention, Maxine decided to dye her hair back to its natural color. She didn't want to be someone she wasn't just to please others. And so, she used a mixture of berries and henna and rose petals, and a drop of honey with orange and lemon peels to dye her hair back to its golden brown color. She felt relieved and content with her decision.
One night, as she prayed to the night star, she wished to meet someone who would love her for who she truly was, hair color and all. And the very next day, she met Joaquin. He was kind, funny, and most importantly, he loved her for who she was, not for her hair color. They fell deeply in love and lived happily ever after.
Maxine learned that true love doesn't care about appearances or superficial things. It's about accepting and loving someone for who they are, flaws and all. And from that day on, Maxine stopped wishing for things that she thought would make her happy and instead, focused on being grateful for who she was and the people who loved her just the way she was. As for the night star, well, Maxine still prayed to it every night, but now, it was to thank it for all the blessings in her life.

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