The most beautiful thing

In this world full of possessions,
We often forget our true essence.
We cling to material things,
Thinking they give us wings.
But in reality, they tie us down,
Weighing on us heavily, like a boulder.
We become slaves to our belongings,
Our happiness, on them, clinging.
But true liberation lies,
In detachment from material ties.
For nothing truly owns us,
And that's the beauty, no fuss.
Ans as we grow older,
We may have houses and cars,
But they do not define who we are.
We may have fancy clothes and jewelry,
But they do not make us worthy.
Detachment brings a sense of freedom,
A sense of inner wisdom.
For in letting go of material attachments,
We find our inner contentment.
We are not defined by what we own,
But by the love in our hearts, clearly shown.
Our worth is not measured by material gain,
But by the joy we bring, without any strain.
So let us detach from material things,
And spread our wings with newfound wings.
For in owning nothing, we have everything,
Our souls are free and only belong to The One and that's the most beautiful thing.

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