Stormy weather

Whether you're insightful; giving infinitely.
Weather's stormy cloudy. My body is weathering the storm. As it's withering.
Like a tree. Better that you're upset with me.
I will go on faithful undoubtedly, and weather the storm. And honestly you always seem to be angry with me. You always seem to miscalculate my coordinates, stupidly.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I know I'm upset you. I know your angry with me. I can not prevent you from taking it out on me. I'm past the borderline of all I can take.
I'm past my cut off point of all your mistakes.
I'd rather weather the storm if it's all the same to you. I'd rather weather the storm and not anger you. That is the point no return.
I made my bed. I gave you head. And all I heard is this stormy weather. A touch of class. I gave up ass. All I felt is stormy weather.

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