Sex and The City

 The night sky was filled with stars, and they seemed to shine down upon me. I should say us. because there is no me without them.
Our sleek heels were glossier than ever;
jumping over puddles of water on the street. And that was perfectly fine by me. With every movement and every pace; they're ready to slay
For tonight, it's all about sex and the city play
The streets are alive, with lights and sound
As we enter the club, ready to be crowned
With our martinis in hand, we hit the dance floor
Letting loose, forgetting all our worries and more
Our hair is wild, our makeup bold
As we dance to the beats, feeling oh so bold
For tonight, it's not about finding love
It's about being free, like a spirit above
We talk about men, we talk about life
Sharing secrets, like sisters and brothers from other mothers and talk about life.
But in this moment, we're just having fun
Living in the present, not thinking of anyone
The night sky above, it's our only witness
To our laughter, our jokes, and our blissfulness
For in this city, we're queens of the night
Creating memories, that will forever ignite
We embrace our sexuality, without any shame
Breaking stereotypes, in this game
For we are more than just our outer beauty
We are strong, independent, and full of duty
To ourselves, we owe this night
As we bask in the city's aura, shining bright
With each step we take, we own this city
For tonight, it's all about sex and the city
So let the stars continue to shine
As we raise our glasses, one more time
For in this city, we are free
To be whoever we want to be.
And that is New York City!
And then I pondered why, - Where do I feel home? 
And what about this guy? 

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