
In the face of adversity, I stand tall
A mighty rock has crushed me, but I refuse to fall
Though the weight on my back is heavy and true
I won't let it break me, I'll just push through
For you see, I am not made of mere stone
My heart beats with emotions, and  I am not alone
I won't succumb to the pressure, I'll stand my ground
For love is my strength, in it, I am found
You may try to bring me down with what you lack
But I am not your puppet, I won't follow your trap
I've never claimed to be innocent or perfect
But I won't let your hate and lies infect me
For I am not ashamed to depend on love clearly......
It's what guides me, it's the light from above
I'll keep on fighting, for that is my fate
The quest for love, it's my only purpose, my mate
I'll rise from the ground, with the rock on my back
For I am a warrior, I won't be slacking
I'll face the challenges, I'll embrace the pain
For love is worth it, it's my eternal gain
So don't underestimate this fallen rock
I may seem broken, but I'll mend each block
With love by my side, I'll never surrender
For it's the source of my strength, my defender
So let the rock stay, I won't let it weigh me down
I'll rise above it, with love as my crown
For the quest of love is my only purpose
And with it, I'll conquer any obstacle, with fierce focus.

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