Nothing Fails

In life, we often hesitate
To take a risk and seize our fate
We fear the unknown, the uncertain
And the thought of failure makes us deterred.
But then there comes a time
When we must put our fears aside
And put ourselves out there
In the face of judgement, we dare.
The thought of success and recognition
Drives us to make a bold decision
To break free from our comfort zone
And let our true colors be shown.
We know there's a chance we'll fall
And our efforts will feel small
But we must learn to embrace
That failure is a part of the human race.
For even if we do not succeed
Our bravery is what we'll need
To keep moving forward, to try again
And this time, we might just win.
For in the world of art and expression
There is no such thing as perfection
Every creation, every risk we take
Is a masterpiece in its own right, make no mistake.
So let us not be afraid to try
To let our creativity soar high
For someone out there will see
The beauty in our risk-taking spree.
Whether we succeed or we fail
We'll know we gave it our all, without fail
And that, my friends, is the true victory
In putting ourselves out there, for all to see.
So take that risk, embrace the unknown
For in the end, it's our efforts that will be shown
And no artistic sentiment can ever truly fail
For someone will notice the courage it took to tell the tale.
Nothing fails, no more fears....
Nothing fails no more tears.

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