Never Replaced.

When I was very young,
In my naive mind,
Nothing really mattered,
I lived so selfishly blind.
I was the only one,
In my own little bubble,
But as I grew and learned,
My world began to crumble.
For now, that I am grown,
I see the world anew,
Everything has changed,
And I'll never be the same because of you.
With your love, you've shown,
What truly matters in life,
And in your arms, I've found,
A peaceful respite.
No longer do I crave,
Material possessions,
For with you by my side,
I find true satisfaction.
Love is all we need,
To make our hearts ignite,
To light up our souls,
And make our spirits take flight.
Everything I give,
All my love, my all,
Comes back to me,
In a never-ending cycle.
For nothing makes the darkness go,
Like the promise of a future,
And nothing takes the past away,
Like the warmth of your love, pure.
In your embrace, I find shelter,
From the storms of life,
And with each passing moment,
I am grateful to be in your life.
So give me comfort in your arms,
My love, my dear,
For with you, I am whole,
And have nothing left to fear.
As the years go by,
And we grow old and gray,
I'll hold onto your love,
And cherish it every day.
For when I was very young,
Nothing really mattered to me,
But now, my dear, with you by my side,
I am truly happy and free
You cancel out my misery....
Perhaps; I'm the ideal husband,
Bachelor, that will never marry
Or perfect father; childless
With scars and bruises; so scary
A real man or a gentleman whimp.
Because of you.....
I don't worry about it.
I dont fit in.
And that's where I belong
With the freaks of nature
That have been cast off.
You are my only saving grace.
And I only find comfort 
When I feel your embrace
And look at your face.....
My heart skips few beats....
Then gets right back into pace.
The only little stinging thing that plays with my heart strings.
What would I do if you go?
You'd never be replaced!

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