Let's us Rejoice!, An Essay on Gender, Sexuality, and Societal, and Religious Enlightenment.

Gender and sexuality are two fundamental aspects of human identity and have been topics of fascination and debate for centuries. The traditional binary understanding of gender as either male or female, other genders and sexuality as either heterosexual or homosexual, has been challenged and redefined in recent times. As society evolves and embraces diversity, it is important to acknowledge and understand that gender and sexuality are not simply assigned at birth, but rather shaped by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors.
My theory is that all individuals, regardless of their assigned gender or sexual orientation, are inherently multi-faceted and possess both masculine and feminine traits. We are all born as female first, as evidenced by our shared biological process of embryonic development. It is only after several weeks that the presence or absence of the Y chromosome determines the development of male or female reproductive organs. Therefore, it is not accurate to label one gender as superior or more natural than the other. Or people who embody both genders.
Looking back through history, we can see that gender and sexuality have not always been rigidly defined as they are today. In ancient civilizations like Egypt, men wore makeup and in Greece and Rome, homosexual relationships were not uncommon. This suggests that the concept of gender and sexuality being fixed and mutually exclusive is a relatively modern construct. We all don't have to be defined by a label. But if you want to be choose one for yourself. We can gather this much from the eunnuchs in religious works. Perhaps, they more enlightened.
In fact, the idea of crossing or blurring gender lines is flawed because there were never any lines to begin with. Men wore make up, heels wigs, and wore bags before women. The strict gender roles and expectations imposed by society have led to a suppression of our natural inclination towards expressing both masculine and feminine characteristics. As a result, individuals are now embracing their full range of gender expression, blurring the lines and challenging societal norms.
My theory is not to undermine the struggles and discrimination faced by the LGBTQ+ community, but rather to acknowledge that gender and sexuality are fluid and exist on a spectrum. This spectrum allows for individuals to move beyond the limitations of the binary and embrace their true selves without fear or shame. It is a step towards a more inclusive and accepting society where individuals are not defined by narrow labels, but instead celebrated for their uniqueness.
Moreover, I believe that the ultimate sign of progress is when we no longer feel the need to label ourselves as gay, straight, bi, trans, or any other identity. We are all human beings with diverse experiences and desires, and it is time to move away from the obsession with defining and categorizing individuals based on their gender and sexual orientation.
In order to truly heal any tension or trauma surrounding gender and sexuality, we must let go of the need to judge and label others. We must focus on our own journey towards self-discovery and self-acceptance, without imposing our beliefs on others. The key is to understand that our gender and sexuality are not inherently tied to our worth as individuals, and we should all be celebrated for who we are.
In conclusion, my theory on gender and sexuality is that they are not predetermined or assigned at birth, but rather a complex and fluid aspect of our identity. We are all on a continuous journey of self-discovery and it is time to embrace the full spectrum of gender and sexuality. Let us move away from the limitations of the binary and celebrate our diversity, for we are all made in the same way, from the mother's womb. Let us rejoice in our shared humanity and strive towards a more inclusive and accepting society. With like minded of consenting age individuals.
As many theories and data collected suggests it's purely individual experience and one's path toward enlightenment includes this. Perhaps we will become more evolved human beings if we choose to less judgemental. And less regimented in our thoughts and beliefs. For if you are made that way in the mother's womb, or for the sake of the kingdom of heaven, let us rejoice!
Taken from the book of Matthew from the bible.
Or the hij of India and Pakistan in the Islamic world, third gender and Trans people are a part of society. As well as in Mexico, in the Catholic world. Or the third gender in Afica (Egypt). There are many examples of fluidity, and non binary queer people. Face the facts. For we are not to judge one another. Our upbringing. We don't know if our experience in the womb determines our identity. We don't know if we are born that way. But even religion suggests we are. Our upbringing. That we can be assigned one gender, and born to feel "different". Being different isn't an abnormality. It is a characteristic. A flavor, a uniqueness. We are not born one way. But we are born that way.
We don't know what will occur in our own life or loved ones. We don't know if we will face the same situation. We don't know our future.
So, it is best not to judge. In the wake of the Gay and Trans movements come the parental movement. So let's make our or the future all inclusive, and a hate free world for every child to see. Even for us to see. 

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