I don't give a fuck!

Elephants and giraffes never seem to hear their naysayers calling them names. And there's no one to blame. But why must it be totally different for you and me. They seem to want to kill us. They seem to want to see us bleeding. They don't seem to care about us.
They don't seem to care about anything.
And I know they want to control us. And pacify their ego. All they do chastise us like children. And as the children weep. They throw stones at our windows. They hate us.
They call us "fags". "Bitches" and "weirdos".
They should be ashamed,  but they're proud to be heterosexual and they fear us. Because they're not heterosexual at all. They are closet cases in disguise. The grand pretenders that always run and go hide behind the door.0
But when you bend them over their always
asking for more. They hate us because we remind them of a part of themselves that they just can't love. If they were really hetero.....
they wouldn't give a fuck. Neither do I.
Just food for thought. Have they ever been beaten up by a gay guy? I highly doubt they'd ever speak again. And the next time you see one- let it happen! Beat their ass! Don't give a fuck! Cut their head off and drink their blood!
And don't forget to mail their widows flowers!
Because you should be thinking of a little bit of the social graces. We can't get enough!
I don't give a fuck and neither should you!
Because if it's you or them what you gonna do?

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