
Don't be bothered to look for me
When I'm gone away from here
For I've found a place where I can be
Away from pain and fear
I long to be anywhere but here
Where the weight of the world doesn't weigh me down
Where my heart can be free and clear
In a place where joy can be found
I'm happily in my sheets in my bed
Drifting off to a peaceful slumber
No more worries, no more dread
Just the comfort of my cozy slumber
I awake so sweetly to the rising sun
Its warmth and light fill me with hope
A new day has begun
And I can let go of the past's tight rope
I go to bed with the soft moon gleaming
And stars twinkling up above
In this place, I find myself dreaming
Of a life filled with nothing but love
And I realize whether I am or not
Dreaming in this peaceful space
That it's here I feel most alive and caught
In a sweet, blissful embrace
So don't be bothered to look for me
When I'm gone away from here
For in this dream, I am truly free
And I never want to disappear
I just don't know whether or not
If I'm dreaming.

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