Black plumish grey

Black plumish grey, a hue so unique
Like a stormy sky, it’s neither dark nor bleak
It holds a mystery, a depth within
A color that speaks of sorrow and sin
What I long to make, with this somber shade
Is a canvas of emotions, a story to be laid
A poem of love, or a tale of despair
A metaphor for life, or a dream to bear
Tonight the few will win, those who embrace
The beauty in darkness, the grace in this space
For black plumish grey, is not just a color
It’s a reminder to cherish, every moment we gather
The forgetful will not be forgiven, for they miss
The intricate details, the beauty, the bliss
That lies within the depths, of this plumish grey
A treasure to be discovered, in every single way
Straight painstakingly long night, I fear
But it holds a promise, a hope so dear
For in the darkness, lies the power to ignite
The light within, and emerge with might
What I hide from is hatred and smite
But this color reminds me, to embrace the fight
To not fear the darkness, but to find the light
And rise above, to reach greater heights
Dark bruised by a process, this color may be
But in its imperfection, lies a beauty, I see
Or darkened by the sun;  melanin, 
It’s a reminder, of life’s constant transformation
Will I find my soulmate, in this plumish grey?
Or a Greek villa, to call my own someday?
Will I move away, from this familiar place?
Or embrace the way things are, with grace and grace?
Black plumish grey, a color so rare
It has the power, to make us stop and stare
For in its depths, lies a world of its own
A canvas for us, to create and be known.
For you are my muse and I do behold.

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