
When you wish upon a star in the sky,
No matter where you are, it's worth a try.
For in the vastness of the universe,
Dreams can come true, just have the courage to persevere.
Opportunities may come and go,
But the ones you chase, the ones you sow,
Are the ones that truly hold the key,
To making your wildest dreams a reality.
When the stars align and luck is on your side,
You must have the proof to back up your stride.
For talk is cheap, but actions speak loud,
And with determination, you can make yourself proud.
It's not just about luck, it's about hard work too,
With dedication and passion, anything you can do.
So don't just wish upon a star and wait,
Get up and chase your dreams, it's never too late.
For when you wish upon a star in the sky,
Believe in yourself and reach for the highest high.
For the universe has endless possibilities,
And it's up to you to turn them into certainties.
So when opportunity strikes, be ready and prepared,
With the proof to back up your dreams, you won't be scared.
For when you wish upon a star, in the sky above,
You'll see that with courage and perseverance, dreams do come true, with love.
It's worth the risk.....
If it wasn't I wouldn't be telling you this.
So the next time you are in doubt.....
Just remember what it's all about.
To work and change the world.
And grow and learn.
And forget the naysayers.....
That all they do is use hurtful words.

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