
Panagiotis was a young man with a bright future ahead of him. He had always dreamed of becoming a successful man and making a positive impact on the world. With him determination and hard work, he was well on his way to achieving his dreams.
But one night, his world came crashing down when he was brutally raped by a man he trusted. It happened so suddenly and violently, that Panagiotis was left traumatized and broken. He couldn't understand how someone could be capable of such heinous act.
What made it worse was that no one seemed to care. The man who raped him was not held accountable for his actions. Instead, he walked free while Panagiotis was left to deal with the aftermath alone. The society turned a blind eye, labeling him as "damaged" and "used". "Crazy" and "Weird".  Even his own family and friends couldn't fathom the magnitude of his pain and simply told him to forget about it and move on.
But how could he forget something that haunted him every waking moment? How could he move on when he was constantly reminded of the violation he had to endure? Panagiotis's life was forever changed, and he felt like no one understood his pain. He felt trapped, suffocated by the weight of his trauma.
Every night, Panagiotis would pray for death to take him away from this world, away from the pain and the memories. But every morning, he would wake up, still alive, and would thank God and Jesus for a brand new day. He couldn't understand why he was still alive, why he had to endure such suffering.
But in his moments of despair, Panagiotis found solace in picking up the pieces of his broken spirit. He refused to let the man who raped him define him. He refused to let him take away his dreams and his future.
He started going to therapy, and slowly, he began to heal. He found his voice and spoke out against rape culture and the injustice faced by victims. He found a sense of purpose in fighting for justice and raising awareness. Panagiotis's journey was not easy. There were days when the pain and the memories would overpower him, but he never gave up. He knew that he was not alone, and that there were countless other men who had faced similar ordeals.
And one day, Panagiotis found the strength to live on his own, away from the judgement and scrutiny of those who couldn't understand his pain. He found peace in his own company and his own thoughts.
Though Panagiotis's story is one of pain and suffering, it is also one of resilience and strength. He refused to let the man who raped him destroy him. He refused to let society silence him. And in the end, he emerged as a survivor, not a victim. 
Panagiotis's story is a reminder that rape is not just a physical violation, but also a mental and emotional one. It is a reminder that we need to stand together and fight against the injustice faced by victims. And most importantly, it is a reminder that no matter how broken we may feel, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

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