Peter and Voula

Peter always knew he was meant for fame
From a young age, he would prance and proclaim
Acting out scenes from his favorite shows
His mother, Voula, watched with love that glows
He would dress up in her finest clothes
Red lipstick and pearls, her little star arose
But as he grew older, his talent was scarce
No skill, no training, just charm and his square
His mother, so kind, defended him still
Seeing the good in him, through thick and thin
But as he lounged around all day
Realization struck, his dream slipping away
Voula, wise and beautiful, knew the importance of unity
Together they struggled, a family in adversity
Years passed and Peter's dream had died
But his mother, his rock, stood by his side
He found a job, with her guidance and care
A salesman, he excelled, climbing up the corporate stairs
His charm and determination, a surprising mix
But his mental health, it took its toll, a dangerous fix
Gender confusion, a constant battle
Fantasy or reality, his mind would rattle
Peter was left transparent and raw
Unable to work, struggling with what he saw
But Voula, his mother, stood by him through it all
Their bond, unbreakable, would never fall
Now all they have is each other to lean on
A love so strong, it shines like the sun
Peter may not have achieved stardom's grace
But with his mother's love, he found his rightful place
In her embrace, he found his peace
Together they'll face life's trials, their love will never cease.

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