No one

No one can take that away from me
My strength, my courage, my resilience
It's not yours, it belongs to me
A unique blend of my experiences and brilliance
You may try to bring me down
With your words and actions of hate
But I refuse to wear that frown
For I know my self-worth, it's greatly something I appreciate
I've been through the fire and the storm
A cyclone of chaos and pain
But I emerged even more strong
No one can take that from me, it's my gain
I break the vicious cycle that binds
A whirlwind of self-doubt and fear
I refuse to be defined
By anyone, for I am my own frontier
I may carry scars and flaws
But I wear them like a badge of honor
For they've taught me the laws
Of self-love and strength, which I'll never squander
No one can take that away from me
For it's etched deep within my soul
My struggles, my victories, my journey
A story that's uniquely mine, a treasure to behold
So go ahead and try, but I'll remain
Unshaken, unbreakable, unapologetically me
For no one can take that away, it's my domain
My inner strength, my power, my legacy.

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