
Let Love be!
It is a human experience
Not a political statement
It's a feeling that we all share
A universal sentiment
From the depths of our soul
To the beat of our heart
Love is what makes us whole
Right from the very start
It's not about rights or wrongs
Or who should love who
Love is the melody of life's songs
That we all dance to
We shouldn't let it be politicized
Or used to divide us apart
For in love, we are all equalized
Connected, by its powerful art & prose......
Love knows no boundaries
No race, no gender, no creed
It's the purest of all energies
Something to behold....
That unites us, in our time of need
It's what makes us human
Gives us the capacity to care
In every language, it's a common
Universal language we all share
So let love be our guide
In this ever-changing world
For in love, we can all find
Peace, acceptance, and a sense of being heard
And in this journey called life
We'll experience many emotions
But it's in love, that we'll find
Our truest and purest devotion
So let's not make it a political stance
But instead, let love be our guide
For it's in love, that we'll have a chance
To truly live and thrive
Let art be something to revel in
A celebration of love's beauty
For it's what binds us together
In this human experience of duty to behold love.

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