
Life is hard enough as it is
Without you being a troglydite
Wallowing in your own ignorance
Adding to the chaos and strife
There are bigger problems in the world
People sick and dying, children too
Starvation, war, and lack of aid
And you choose to just talk and spew
I have no patience for your nonsense
No time to entertain your lies
I won't waste my energy on you
As I see through your shallow disguise
The next time you speak ill of someone
Don't expect anyone to listen
They won't believe your toxic words
Or feel sorry for you in any instance
I have no room for such negativity
Not in this already difficult life
I won't let you bring me down
Or add to the endless ongoing strife
So save your breath and hold your tongue
For I won't gladly suffer fools
Life is hard enough as it is
And I have no time for toxic rules
Let's focus on what truly matters
And lend a helping hand where we can
For there is so much pain and suffering
That needs our attention and plans
So don't waste your days in bitterness
Or spreading hatred and lies
Life is hard enough as it is
Let's choose to be kind and wise
And as it goes.....one day hopefully there is a catharsis 
That will eventually lead to a change
The kind that will enlighten many to not make
the same mistakes
You allow change to come over you 
And eventually one day you'll be changed
As life goes it continues without us
There is no store-bought remedy for what
ails most. But now there is a legacy that we all have that we cultivate before we become a ghost.

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