Joy, Love, and Pride!

It's so hard to get through this
Every day is a constant fight
The pain is a never-ending abyss
How do you make it through the night?
I watch you with your fancy things
Your perfect life, never a tear in sight
But for me, it's a different game
I struggle to put up a brave fight
I've been slut shamed, called disgusting
Just because I am different, not the same
But why are you so obsessed with me
What is it that fuels your cruel flame?
You laugh at my misfortunes
You want me to feel ashamed
But I won't succumb to your taunts
I won't let my spirit be tamed
I may be original, I may be unique
But I am not what you call me
I am not a liar, or a deviant, a crazy freak.
An it, or faggot, or a monster, or a tranny
I am simply trying to be free
It's so hard to say goodbye
To the hurt that you bring
But I won't let it break me
I'll spread my wings and sing
For the root to compassion
Is love, a two way street
But you're consumed by your own passion
And that is what makes us different, you see
So while you continue to judge me
Talk your shit because now I can care less
Have your fits and tantrums
You can see for yourself who will take your side. 
Because that is typical you.
You are the same pathetic person you always were.
I may be bold, but atleast; I'm decent and kind

Cuz me and my family are in the state of bliss

In harmony and as God as my witness,

I'll rise above, let my true self shine
For I am proud of who I am
And that, my friend, is divine
So goodbye to the former
I'll let the pain subside
And I'll embrace my true self......
With love, joy, and pride. 

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