Human Being

Oh, hungry human, craving more than bread,
Endless thirst for fulfillment in your soul,
In search of something greater, yet unsaid,
A spiritual hunger, an endless goal.
No matter what your race or blood may be,
No shame in seeking, for we all thirst,
For a connection, a divine decree,
To quench the longing that within us bursts.
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we pray,
For guidance, wisdom, and eternal love,
With faith and hope, we'll find the righteous way,
To overcome the doubts that we've thereof.
So let us feast upon the sacred word,
And feast upon the fellowship of saints,
For in this journey, we are not alone,
With every step, our spirit grows and paints.
With wit and style, let's break the chains of doubt,
And enter into a new state of grace,
For being spiritually hungry, no need to pout,
For in our seeking, we shall see His face.
So hunger on, hungry human, my friend,
For in this quest, we shall find our true worth,
And when our journey seems to have no end,
Remember, we are all of one bloodline and one race- the human of and on this earth. 

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