Hello, hello!

Hello, hello!
Do you hear me!?!
I'm in need of some attention....
You see me standing here....
Dressed to kill....
No pills to pop....
And Im a sucker for saccharine.
This is me back then.........

Hello, hello, can you hear me?
I'm calling out for you!
I'm standing here, dressed to kill
But inside, my heart is standing still
I long for just a little attention
A simple gesture, a kind mention
But it seems I'm invisible to your eyes
Lost in the crowd, just another disguise
I have no pills to pop, no mask to wear
Just my true self, completely bare
But in a world of sugar and saccharine
I'm a sucker, longing for some care
This is me, back then, a different style
Trying to fit in, to make you smile
But now I stand tall, confident and true
Embracing my je ne sais quoi w/o a single blue
So hello, hello, I finally found my voice
No longer needing your approval, I rejoice
For I am enough, just as I am
And I no longer care about fitting a certain glam.
So thank you, for not hearing me then
For it led me to discover my own zen
Now I can say hello, hello, with pride
For I am beautifully imperfect, and I'll no longer hide.

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