Lush Echo & Radiant Light

Your words, born of silence here,
Lush echo with a divine tone,
Leading me through doubt and fear,
Toward a place I've never known.
Each syllable, a sacred prayer,
Whispered with such holy grace,
Guiding me with tender care,
To a peaceful, heavenly space.
Your words, like a pure deity,
Bring solace to my weary soul,
Filling me with love and clarity,
As they pour out and take control.
Oh, how sweetly they flow,
Like a river, never-ending,
Every phrase, a perfect glow,
With no hint of apprehending.
For you are the inhabitant of my thoughts,
The keeper of my heart,
Every word, a precious sought,
Healing me, tearing me apart.
Your words, they nourish and sustain,
Like a kiss upon my lips,
Easing all my hurt and pain,
Filling me with joyful bliss.
I lived for you, my heart so true,
Lost in Xavier's darkened hue,
But now, it's like a dream come true,
With you, my heart feels brand new.
So let your words continue to pour,
Like a symphony of pure delight,
For in your silence, I'll forever adore,
The beauty of your words, a shining, radiant light. 

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