Christian Easter Poem

In history, there lived a man,
Sent from above, with a divine plan.
His name was Jesus, so pure and kind,
His grace and love, we'll never again find.
He walked this earth, with a humble heart,
His teachings, a masterpiece of spiritual art.
He healed the sick and gave sight to the blind,
His compassion, a wondourous treasure to find.
But alas, his fate was sealed,
His enemies were cruel and filled with zeal.
They hung him on a cross, in agony and pain,
But little did they know, it was all in vain.
For Jesus Christ, he died for our sins,
A selfless act, that forever wins.
He suffered for us, so we could be free,
His death, the greatest act of humanity.
Through his blood, our sins are washed away,
A debt, we could never repay.
He bore our burdens, and carried our shame,
His love for us, forever the same.
So let us not forget, this sacrifice so grand,
For it's through his death, we have a second chance.
A new beginning, a clean slate,
Thanks to Jesus, who opened the gate.
As we celebrate his resurrection,
Let us live our lives, with reflection.
And remember his beautiful act,
For it's in our hearts, we'll always keep intact.
So let the light, take away the shadows,
For in Jesus, we find our truest fellow.
And with each rebirth, we let go of scorn,
For Jesus Christ, our Savior, we adorn.

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