Does it matter?

Does it matter what He looked like,
Whether He was Black or White?
Whether He was able-bodied,
Or confined to a wheelchair's might?
For some, the answer may be yes,
As physical appearance holds weight,
But for me, it's not about the dress,
Or the color of His skin, innate.
He could have been a paraplegic,
Or a hero in bright lime,
But what truly makes Him majestic,
Is the love and sacrifice in His time.
His heart, filled with compassion,
His words, pure and divine,
His actions, a perfect reflection,
Of a love that will forever shine.
It doesn't matter what He looked like,
For His sacrifice speaks for us all,
His love, a beacon in the darkest night,
His grace, enough to break the strongest wall.
He came to save, to heal, to bless,
Regardless of race, gender or creed,
His love knows no bounds, no stress,
For He is the one we all need.
So let us not focus on His appearance,
But instead, on His perfect love,
For in His eyes, we all have significance,
A reflection of a God above.
Whether He was Black or White,
It doesn't matter in the end,
For His love knows no divide,
And in Him, we can always mend.
So let us bask in His grace,
And let our hearts be open wide,
For it doesn't matter what He looked like,
But rather the love He carried deep inside.
The same way it doesn't matter what we look 
like, right.

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