
I don't know what's happening to me
But something inside is stirring
A feeling of unease, a need to be free
A sense of urgency, a desire for something more
Lately, I've noticed a change
In the way I see myself and the world
I see the mirror's reflection, it seems strange
Is that really me, so lost and curled?
Today is going to be the day
I take charge and make a choice
To break free from my old ways
And listen to my inner voice
The mirror's reflection, it won't change
But I can change from within
No longer will I be afraid
To face myself and my sins
I may grow rounder, I may get slim
But that's not what truly matters
What's important is the change within
To break free from these self-imposed tethers
I may grow louder and grumpier
Or I may get so round I can't walk
But I refuse to let myself get any heavier
I will make a change, I will take back my talk
I don't want to lose myself
To unhealthy habits and vices
I want to be the best version of myself
And make the most out of this life's spices
So, I must make a change
For the sake of my happiness and health
I will break free from this cage
And reclaim my sense of self
I will have my last cigarette
And say goodbye to that old me
I will make the change, I won't regret
For this is the first step towards a better destiny
I can't complain about too much in life
At least I have a roof over my head
I can't complain, I easily could be dead
So I will make the change, and put an end to this strife
In this journey, I may stumble and fall
But I won't give up, I'll keep pushing through
For this change, I know, is for my own call
To become the best version of me, true and true. 

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