
Verse 1:
She's a fat bitch with a mouth full of hate
Insulting others to feel better about her own weight
Her contacts only include those who agree
In arguments, she'll do anything to make her points decree
With her pounds of eyeshadow, and lips overdrawn
She's a monster, a behemoth, a woman so wrong
Her hair's a mess, a teased rat's nest
But she doesn't care, she's too busy being her own obsessed
Verse 2:
She watches reality TV all day and night
Her only joy is watching others' lives in a fight
She's a terrible mother, a poor example to see
Treated her own mother like shit, and married for money
With her pounds of eyeshadow, and lips overdrawn
She's a monster, a behemoth, a woman so wrong
Her hair's a mess, a teased rat's nest
But she doesn't care, she's too busy being her own obsessed
She eats and eats, can't stop the greed
But it's not just food, it's attention she needs
Her insecurities are buried deep inside
So she lashes out, just to feel alive
With her pounds of eyeshadow, and lips overdrawn
She's a monster, a behemoth, a woman so wrong
Her hair's a mess, a teased rat's nest
But she doesn't care, she's too busy being her own obsessed
So beware of the fat bitch with the evil eyes
She'll tear you down just to feel her own rise
She's a bad human being, with a heart so cold
But in reality, she's just a sad story left untold.
Till now, She's a behemoth.....
And that's the way I see it.
She's a monster, a behemoth.
And that's the way we all see it.
Don't eat too much pizza out of the garbage kids!
Turns you into a real garbage pail.

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