
In the shower, a man stands tall
Water falling, he hears it's call
Dripping down, onto his skin
He feels alive, from deep within
His muscles ache, from too much rest
But in this moment, he is truly blessed
For he knows why, they feel so sore
It's time to break free, and do more
To bring fire, to the wind that blows
And finally let his true self show
No more wasted youth, on bars and clubs
He found peace, in the plain field of Illinois
But now he's back, where it all began
In the city life, where he used to stand
But this time, he's not the same
He's free from demons, that once had him tamed
No more taunting, or hideousness
He's found his inner peace, and its endlessness
A purpose, a strength, a resilience true
This is how it's got to be, to be you
So let the water, wash away
The past turmoil, of yesterday
For in this moment, he stands tall
Witty, formal, stylish, and all

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