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You can be anything you want
Don't let anyone dictate and steer you
Your dreams and aspirations are yours to hold
Don't let them fade, don't let them grow cold
You don't need a label, don't need a box
Don't limit yourself with others' locks and keys
You have the power to break free
To be who you want, to be who you see
You don't have to fit a certain mold
To be accepted, to be bold
You can be all things at once
A star, a warrior, a diamond, a dunce
You don't have to be capable and able
To swallow the poison of hatred, so unstable
For it eats away at your very soul
Leaves you empty, leaves you feeling dull
You can be a good person, without a doubt
Without selling your soul, without selling out
You are living proof of being ambidextrous
Able to juggle, to take on the strenuous
Be grande-
You can be whatever you want, just take a stand
Don't let the world define you and your worth
You can be anything, the whole universe.
So go ahead, my dear, spread your wings wide
Let your true self take flight, let yourself glide
Embrace all that you are, all that you can be
For you are limitless, you are truly free.

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