Agape(Altruistic Love)

Oh, how altruistic love doth shine
In its heartfelt and all encompassing design
For it knows not of selfish gain
Only of giving without refrain
It is there and omnipresent, void of sentiment
But oh, its depth is truly eminent
For it sees beyond surface appeal
And finds beauty in what others conceal
No need for grand gestures or show
Altruistic love simply does flow
In small acts of kindness and care
For those in need, it is always there
Like a dapper gentleman in a suit
It stands tall, resolute
In a world of selfish desire
Altruistic love is a beacon of fire
It has no need for recognition
Its purpose is not for personal ambition
For it finds joy in selfless deeds
And sees others' happiness as its only need
Serious and proper, yet full of heart
Altruistic love sets itself apart
In a society that values material gain
It chooses empathy and compassion to reign
Oh how rare, but oh how divine
Is this love that is truly benign
For it asks for nothing in return
But in giving, it helps us all to learn 
So let us embrace this selfless love
In all it's appeal and charm above
For in a world that can be so rough
Altruistic love is more than enough.

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