The light in me

A change has occurred, I can feel it inside
A transformation, I cannot deny
My thoughts, my feelings, they're all in a spin
I don't know what's happening, where to begin
I used to be so sure, so steady and strong
But now I feel like I've been led along
Like a ship lost at sea, without a sail
I don't know what's happening, it's like a veil
But today is the day, I'll face my fears
I'll embrace this change, and wipe away the tears
For in the mirror, I'll see the same face
But deep within, there's a new kind of grace
The man I am, he's still here with me
But there's a light now, that shines brilliantly
You can't steal it away, it's mine to keep
And in its warmth, I'll find the strength to leap
Leap into the unknown, embrace the change
For I am not alone, my soul will rearrange
And you, my dear, are lucky to see
The heavenly glow and warmth inside of me
Some things may change, but my heart remains true
I'll hold onto the person that I am, and you?
I hope you'll join me, on this journey of self
Embracing the change, and being yourself
For you are lucky, to be near this glow
This light that within me, continues to grow
And I hope you'll accept it, and hold onto yours, too
For change can be beautiful, when we stay true
So I'll face the unknown, with open arms
For I know deep down, this change will bring no harm
And I hope the same, for you my dear
Embracing the change, without any fear.

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