
Me, I am sublimation.
You are the antithesis of me.
See, the constant is mirrors reflection.
The truth is what you don't see.
For the reflection is falsity.
And you can take it from me.
Forgiveness for this devastation.
The remedy is love and compassion.
And the recipe calls for a spine.
Which is something you lack!
The moral high ground isn't integrity.
But action and devotion to and The Thee!
And not for anyone else not even yours truly.
I don't melt. 
I don't drip.
I don't combust.
Not for your or anyone.
I don't fucking melt, bitch!
The only key to my door is wisdom.
And perhaps a little sweet talk.
But I won't fucking melt. 
And not for anyone else not even yours truly.

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