Look around

Here is where my tale begins,
I am fortunate to follow my heart to the end.
And the beginning of my story....
The offering is quite simple, the tempo is 
speedy- Don't look around! The sign on the street is lit up and blinking... The moral is just look around! Watch how the others pass us by. Come to the conclusion you have been
foul... There is no risk without glory...
There is no music; without profound wisdom.
The rest you find when you look around.
Inspiration is homing your senses to the ground. The risk you take is becoming of the fire in your heart. The tale comes to an end...
Because we are on borrowed time.....
The slow and steady climb to the heavens is what we are promised in the after life. Look around! This is what is profound. We are as temporarily as the rain in a blade of grass.
We evaporated such as this. This is what is profound. 

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