Eye Candy

I have the most beautiful face. It lends it self from boy to a girl. It's glorious heathen, or angelic, I will be. No one can tell me when I go. If I will be going to heaven or hell. It's glorious. Whether I'm a boy or a girl.
I'm like eye candy. Sweet to the taste.
Pursue me and chase me. Come up to my face. And let it be known. Let you come.
Melt my heart made of of stone. You can be anyone. Just not a stalker that doesn't get the point it's your time to go. I'm like candy.
Don't waste my time with your match making and foolish assumptions and criticism. I have no time. I'm like candy. What will be will be
Im like candy- I control my own destiny..
Here is for the lovers who feel unscathed by the berating of ghoulish, cruel lovers; who always play games. I can't be more honest;
I usually am always. I am like candy. I look good or handsome in my wrapper, but you won't tell me anyway.

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