To celebrate life.

Hey you! Just light the fire in your heart.
Strive to feel desire and need; you must to be
free of longinging for every ordinary thing....
You must live life like, you are an extraordinary beast. And trust me.
I have always craved to be free and independent doing my own thing.
I do sometimes then I turn back into a toad.
Being used by salamanders, lizards, and a toe.
Now I just want to go and count my blessings.
And perhaps window shop a little, read a book, I don't have time for a beau and I'll be just fine. I don't need a distraction. I need to be a part of life. To celebrate life. 
The echo, I hear; is my formerself telling me to kill the last part of me. The strangest thing,
I cannot describe this feeling. I want to kill him. And just like that perfectly I will be alright. To celebrate life. I don't know, what it feels like for every woman, but I know what it feels like for me, and that in itself makes me a girl. So you can trust me I have gone back and forth and wore many masks and faces. Played with myself. Toyed myself around.
Been a lady of the evening. Not only at night.
Just to celebrate my life. Now, I just want to live myself like I once did. And Celebrate Life.
We can call it what it is for you. If I am what you think of me I would be a loser like you.
If I did everything I see to fit in I'd be pathetic just like you. If I just agreed with you had no fire of my own. I'd rather be relentless partially socio. If I once was a double or decoy that doesn't mean I still wasn't myself.
Now I changed and rearranged myself.
Getting closer eventually to being myself.
My short hair is growing. My thick waist is slimming. And I will be fine. I don't you or a man or a decoy or a double to do what I know I can. I will be alright. To Celebrate Life.

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