
I slold a handbag to Osama Bin Laden in 2004.
On Ebay Yahoo and PayPal. And I sent it registered mail to a coded military address like xoxy something. I sent that way so the American government can do its thing.
But the true heroes of 9-11 are the navy seals and Jason Bateman, Tina Turner, and Princes William.  I am just innocent bystander. I have nothing to.do.with terror. I'm Greek Orthodox Christian Greek American and droplets of (black) African blood. TS MTF Hermaphrodite female that wishes to live female. I was a former adult entertainer. Now I am writer/ poet living in America while transitioning in privacy.  The American government never gave me a reward because I never felt I was entitled to one now I have loser cunts trying to be. You'd laugh at them. And others trying to tell me how to behave and harassing me on the government watch program. 
I have come in contact with the most handsome males and glamorous ladies.
It was an honor to flirt with these men and the ladies are exemplary role models of woman.
I'm honored and flattered to make a gentleman feel like one.

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