Yellow Dove

The fire is wrenching before my very eye.
The water drops from my eyelid.
Swollen behind disguised lashes a violet hue.
My desire is yearning to beheld and behold...
You before my very eyes....
Sometimes the guy you want to marry is carried away with other things like scratching Kat and collect supply of humble lipstick kisses. And for you to know when your in my bed... I want you to reside within me. 
I'm almost out of hope.
I'm almost out gonna smoke my last cigarette.
The only joke is me bending over to please every other man I see. When you're not inside of me. I'm lost and clueless and ready to put to die. But I'm almost out of love but I do pray for you, my little yellow dove, to return to me.
And that's all I want is to adore you.
Put a smile on my face.
My only secret is that I want my self whole more. I hope I don't discourage you, I'm not lonely but things have to be in place before we can explore further. One day you will.see that this makes more sense than anything you are planning.

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