The Whore of Babylon

The drum beat quakes and rattles on the hide 
Of flesh and bone. The fire's dire rich with flamboyant flame. The whim of passion so heightened by eternal reign. I am the whore of Babylon. The enigma you once knew as a tortured soul. I sold it long ago for meesly fame. And now I know I am superior than most females that ever had acclaim. I do bow to some. With my gallant host. And now I go away to stay on my bed linen and passionately await... for you. To take your stake in my heart and drill my bod apart.
Shimmy like you need me and gimme some of your parfait Ole. I am the whore of Babylon and if you're gay just sail away. We do need more than a person who can screw in a light bulb on the ceiling. And we don't need no Frivolous cunts. And  cross stitches on their lips. No scarlet letter. We need some fux to sacrifice in our altars of decadent shame. of Babylon. The Devil's whore.
The goddess of sex without any shame.

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