The Light

From the depths of your eyes, I realize I can find a peace of mind. A song in my soul.
I am soulful and worthy. I know I have changed my mind and constitution.
I have bared more religions than a heathen at lent. So relentless my spiritual quest.
I have found Thee in my own heart.
Light casts off the dark. You are my eternal flame. I find myself where I started, Today. respectly have traveled the inner recesses of my mind and traveled to other plains of existence and existential experience.
As for my pursuit of things and matter...
I adhere to you, My Creator. The Holy Spirit and The Father and Son. I have found wonder so fun and fulfilling. I only hope more are willing to educate themselves to all the works.
And so I found my way home, today. Like the prodigal son. Byzantine star, I love you the way that you are. Orthodox Christian eternally. You are my eternal flame. I whisper within myself quietly. Light casts off the dark. I find myself where I started, Today.

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