Love at first sight

Love at first sight...
Can you be mine?
We'll fly away!
Love at first sight....
Right by your side...
We'll dance the night away.....
Tonight, inside I'm feeling blue and pink.
Golden frothy memory and this dusty blue 
feeling is gone astray. From the root of the apple tree. The tree of life its not but by branch and branch, I'll take a swing. The decay of society. The noble righteousness of the elite and humble. We have more to sing.
I'll take a big breath and a deep sigh.
I have more to say. Oh big boy what do you see when you open your eyes. Is the glass half empty. Or is it one of your lies. You don't know everything. But I'll teach you how to be.
I'm not the marrying kind. And I don't want you to marry me.

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